D A Pennebaker's classic film, Dont Look Back, is now available in a new high-definition transfer on Blu-Ray with lossless DTS-HD audio.
Dont Look Back has "gotten better as a home-video experience, compliments of its new high-def format...4 out of 4 stars." - Mike Scott, The Times-Picayune
"Seminal. Not only cemented the musician's status as an icon of sixties cool; it's also a crash course in the breathtaking immediacy of vérité filmmaking." – New York magazine
"If the art of being cool could be learned from a film, then the only one you'd ever need to study would be Dont Look Back." – Angela Ashman, The Village Voice
“Evokes the 60s like few other documents; Dylan’s relentless heaping of scorn on the mainstream press, before the coercive tentacles of ‘creative management’ made such things virtually impossible, is especially telling... Memorable for its goofy, syncopated opening sequence alone.” – Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader
"An unforgettable all-access pass behind the scenes of Bob Dylan's '65 British tour, D.A. Pennebaker's landmark 1967 rock doc all but invented the form while presaging the music video… The concert footage of the young Dylan in his punky prime is electrifying, but the most fun comes from the privileged glimpses of his sadistic wit." - Jim Ridley, The Village Voice
Now available from Amazon.com